Attend Wine Tastings and Education In Tellico Village

The Smoky Mountain Chapter of the American Wine Society welcomes guests to attend wine tastings.  No one should ever feel intimidated by the skill or experience of another taster rather be inspired to learn more! Guests may attend up to three (3) wine tastings as a guest. After that, they must join the American Wine Society and designate the Smoky Mountain Chapter as their primary chapter to attend future tastings.

We have member-hosted tastings at least monthly. We enjoy 5-7 wines seated at tables with our fellow tasters and swirl, sniff, taste and score each wine, documenting our assessment of it. See the sample scoring sheet. That assessment is not one of “Do I like the wine?” but rather “To what extent does this wine represent its grape, vintage, wine well?”

Guests participate in the tastings just like the members do. This provides the guest with a great opportunity to know if a group like ours will meet your needs and desires.  Guests pay for their tasting, just like members. There is a minimal guest surcharge.  Here are some of our recent tastings. Link to our tasting calendar.

Guests may fill out the  "Reservation Request" and we will contact you if space is available.

Thr Smoky Mountain Chapter of the American Wine Society in Tellico Village
Thr Smoky Mountain Chapter of the American Wine Society in Tellico Village